Friday, November 30, 2007

Problems in RAD (Rapid Application Development)

Innovative ideas are necessary for any application development. When we planned for any application, we need to think its problem (i.e. what kind of problem can be occurred) also & when problem occurred then there must a solution for that problem.

The same rules applied for RAD (Rapid Application Development) too. Let see what kind of problem can be occurred:


In 1970’s when processes developed, for instance the Waterfall development methodology, repeatedly resulted in the development of applications that did not meet up client needs as applications take so long to make that requirements had changed before the system was complete. As a result, for bigger projects, these methodologies often resulted in complete, except unfeasible, system.

The reason of the crisis was recognized in the strict devotion to completion of one lifecycle stage before touching on to the next lifecycle stage. Particularly, building an application based on necessities that have been frozen at a point in time means that the longer development take, the more possible that industry needs will transform and overthrow the necessities that the system being developed is based upon.

In my next post I’ll discuss little bit of solutions of these problems.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Brief history of RAD (Rapid Application Development)

In my previous post, outline of RAD (Rapid Application Development) was discussed. In this post I elaborate little bit about the history of RAD and Problems of RAD. I’ll discuss the solutions and Pros and Cons of RAD on my next post.

History of RAD

Rapid Application development refers to the growing of programming applications and differs from programming itself in that it has a higher level of dependability, including for necessity capturing and testing. Rapid Application Development was a response to non-agile processes developed in the 1970s, for example the Waterfall model. The difficulty with earlier methodologies was that application takes so time-consuming to construct that necessities had changed before the scheme was full, often resultant in impractical systems. Initial with the thoughts of Brian Gallagher, Scott Shultz & Barry Boehm, James Martin developed the Rapid Application Development shift toward during the 1980s at IBM and finally formalized it by publishing a book in 1991.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) has been in survival for nearly 20 years, but is as suitable these days as it was when it was primarily conceptualized.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Introduction to RAD (Rapid Application Development) Methodology

Now we start posting on rapid application development (RAD). Well it’s started on the early 90’s. It is an advertising catchphrase that about every software development tool uses, yet one that seldom applies. At a high level it is a Custom Application Development method that uses:

§ Iterations in System Development Life Cycle

§ The Prototyping Approach to Development

§ CASE Approach to Development

Look on the outline of RAD (Rapid Application Development)


Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a software development methodology that focuses on building software applications in a very short amount of time; conventionally with compromise in usability, skin and/or implementation speed. The term has recently turn out to be an advertising catchphrase that generally describe applications that can be designed and developed within 45-90 days, but it was initially planned to describe a procedure of application development that involves application prototyping and iterative development.

This is the only outline of Rapid Application Development, in my next blogs there’ll be some history of RAD.

Friday, October 12, 2007

software development requirement analysis

Now it’s a time to write about software development requirement analysis.

Software Development Requirement analysis is a clear step in the software development life cycle (SDLC) replica. Since insufficient awareness to requirements is a key reason of software defects, getting software requirements without a doubt defined in the beginning saves time, cost, and irritation in later on phases. This way details the procedure of seminal requirements. Topics consist of definitions and levels of requirements, common system and advantageous characteristics of requirements, risks connected with requirements, requirement analysis methods as well as sources, necessities roadmap, justification and traceability of necessities, and requirement transform administration.

Theoretically, requirements analysis includes three types of action:

Eliciting requirements: the job of communicating with clientele and users to conclude what their necessities are.

Analyzing requirements: shaping whether the stated necessities are undecided, imperfect, vague, or conflicting, and after that resolve these issues.

Recording requirements: necessities may perhaps be documented in different forms, for example natural-language credentials, use case studies, or procedure condition.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Software development requirement analysis Introduction

In my previous post, I posted some basic concepts of Software development and Iterative software lifecycle methodology.

Now its time to elaborate little bit about custom software development requirement analysis which is the most crucial part of any application development. This is the base of any software, i.e. if you don’t understand your requirement it creates major problem in later stage. Sometime after completion of a project, it comes to know that we skip these features like that kind of things; it causes to back and redesign the whole process again. And of course cost of the project increase, unreliable and time also increased.
Now question arise, how can we avoid this mishap or uncertainty in software development? Answer is simple; we need proper documents of requirement analysis. Remember, requirement analysis is critical to the success of any application projects.
Next blog I’ll post all about requirement analysis.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Information about Iterative Software Development Lifecycle Methodology

So before writing Iterative software development lifecycle methodology, let’s have a look on software development…

Now question arise what is software development? Now this kind of question put up what are the basic needs of software development? How we develop software? What are the basic requirements to develop software?

Here I only give brief information of software development rather than answering all the questions what I put up?

Software development is the version of a user require or advertising goal into a software product. Software development may consist of new development, re-development, change, reprocess, continuance, or any other activities that effect in software products. A software development procedure is a procedure used to build up PC software. It may be an informal process, devise by the group for one assignment, but the term often refers to a standardized, accepted method which has been used before on similar projects or one which is used routinely within an organization.

Now, it’s is enough information about software development and its process.
Let’s move on to Iterative software Development Life Cycle Methodology.
Running complex software development project is concerning well-organized operation of assets, risk management and Control, precise cost estimation of budgets and timelines, skilled variety of suitable technologies, and scheduling quality development to congregate time-to-market necessities. Risk assessment is a truth in every project; Data Solution Inc.’s iterative method designed for software development is purposely to lessen risk.
Any Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is comprised of four facets:

  1. Requirements Analysis: What are the main features, will the product encompass?
  2. Designing: How will the product recommend these main features?
  3. Coding & Testing: How will the features be coded and unit & integrated tested?
  4. Delivery & Maintenance: How will the product be tested and deliver to clientele?

By an Iterative Software Development life Cycle model, the four facets of a software product are included so that business objectives compel the complete process, and the necessities and plan are constantly polished while the code evolves. The project plan arranges the growth into small releases, and mandates ongoing amalgamation of all coded components, incremental build, and cyclic validation of developed requirements and plan. By means of doing so, it encourages a common possession of the product with business analysts, software designer, architect, programmers and software testers; this common ownership reduces the threat of miscommunication and discrepancy. It also enables ongoing modification and addition to keep away from any unlikable surprises just ahead of the deliverance date.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tips to choose right Software Development Company

The success of any business (IT, Marketing or Advertising or any) depends on defining and implementing appropriate business processes. From production, enterprises, companies to different organizations, needs and demand for accurateness and pace has given rise to custom software development and top programming packages satisfying all these needs and terms. Custom Software Development & Custom Web Development is in demand because of its affinity to be completed taking least possible time and at the most reasonably priced budget as per client requirement.

There is no doubt; demand of custom software development has exposed vast opportunities for everyone includes web developers, clients, partners and businesses. The credit goes to the benefits that custom software development offers.

Here are some benefits that tend to strengthen the demand of custom software development to an extensive extent.

  • Correct strategy
  • Low Cost
  • Transparent Interaction with clients
  • Saves time
  • Easy to Use
  • Easy to Maintain
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Support & Backup
The achievement of custom software application development depends upon many factors include;

  • Processes employed in development
  • A team of expert professionals in particular domain
  • Company Infrastructure
  • Customer Support
  • Software Quality
  • Maintenance software and support

Utilization of latest development technologies:
  • .NET Technologies
  • J2EE development
  • PHP
  • Custom open source application development
  • Windows Application Development (Desktop application development)
  • Enterprise Solutions
  • E-commerce solutions including (web based application custom Internet applications/solutions)
  • Portal Development
  • Enterprise Application Integration
  • Custom Web Development
  • Database Application Development
  • Internet Marketing (Organic SEO Services /SEM Services)

Day by day, technology is getting advanced and complicated compel us to live in the hi-tech era of competition. So before choosing right Software Development Company you should know all these basic facts.

Monday, August 27, 2007

AJAX Search Engine (SEO) Friendly Web Development Research Tips

Hi guys…

Its too long when I blogged here, little bit busy with other projects, don’t have enough time to blog on some interesting topic…

After so long I’ve little time to discuss on some important topic which are both helpful for web developers and organic SEO professionals.
What do you say about AJAX Search engine (SEO) friendly web development?

Good for web developers to show some creativity also user-friendly but nightmare for SEO Professionals, isn’t it.

So I posted a thread in, to check out what other experts says. One person suggests me… you will need to place an alternate version of all the contents in NOSCRIPT tags.

Other forums members suggest me different tips etc… find out here….

I also do some search on to find out in more details:
See I find out some interesting points explained in some articles, some blogs etc.

SEO Considerations for AJAX Development

If web development is even remotely within your periphery, you've probably heard of AJAX, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. While most serious developers realize the hype is overblown, even the most caffeine-addled code monkeys are impressed with some recent AJAX applications.
Calling AJAX "new" is a little misleading, and it's no different from calling gin & tonic poured over Cap'n Crunch a "new" breakfast treat. The ingredients have been around forever; only the unique combination is recent.
Explained simply, the key benefit of AJAX applications is their ability to work in the background to supply data to the client browser and provide a relatively seamless "application" experience instead of the click-wait, click-wait game of traditional web pages.
The "J" in AJAX (JavaScript) has been a stumbling block for developers with an eye for search-engine friendliness, but that need not be the case. While it's true that engines typically ignore scripted data, good AJAX programs can occasionally come out of their JS trances long enough to feed even the most demanding bots. Following are some notes about AJAX development as it pertains to smart SEO.

The Problem: Not Enough Unique URLs

In my opinion, the single greatest SEO issue with AJAX is the tendency (although not necessity) of AJAX applications to not judiciously create unique, bookmarkable (and therefore indexable) URLs.
I'll use Google Maps as an example, not only because it's used in this excellent AJAX backgrounder written by an IBM engineer, but because Google Maps has come to be known as the "classic" AJAX application. If you have brand awareness like Google, you don't necessarily need too many deep, internal URLs, because everyone remembers and links to "". But for the rest of us, getting many internal pages indexed is critical. Like the IBM article mentions, the fact that Google put the "Link to this page" feature on the Maps page shows that they understand the need for unique URLs pulled from within the application. Depending in what you're doing with AJAX, you'll derive a ton of SEO benefit from a similar philosophy.
A secondary point is that once you've created the capability to create unique internal URLs, you'll need to post them somewhere so they can be crawled. For example, suppose you had an AJAX application that enabled celebrities to build a custom automobile. After enough celebrities had built them, you'd need to build a page that links to those deep links, such as "See Tyra Banks' custom Bentley" or "Ashton Kutcher's punk'd-out Prius," for example.
You'll also need a system that can create custom, relevant titles and meta descriptions for these deep URLs, since the amount of body copy on a page likely won't be particularly plentiful or relevant.

The Other Problem: Too Many Unique URLs

Looking at the other side of the coin, you can also have usability issues by creating too many unique, indexable URLs. Microsoft's (the beta edition of its search site, which I reviewed in March) is an example. if you go to and search for [vacation rentals], you'll get a resulting URL like
But if you scroll through's "infinite" results long enough, the "offset" argument starts to tick upwards. Before you know it, you'll be at "offset=20" or something like that. Not necessarily a big deal, until you decide to hit the "Back" button and go to your previous site. You'll need to hit it up to 20 times to get back to that site, since each time you hit it, you merely decrement the offset argument by one. See this post by Microsoft's Robert Scoble for more on this. (Read the comments too; they're a nice contrast to the post, and a great reality check for developers.)
Other issues to consider when developing in AJAX aren't as critical to SEO as the URL issue, but they're still important. These include load time, which can be as bad as bloated Flash if you're not careful, and disabling browser controls that the user has come to rely on - never a good move.

After viewing that research I understand the important things we should remember before developing an AJAX SEO friendly development.

So, if you guys done some research on the similar topic then please comment on that topic.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tips for Software Development Cycle Part II

Here is second part of the software development cycle. In the previous part you understand what is exact software development process and the questions arise by clients. Now in this section I want to explain why you need a proper process to develop an application or simply application development.


Why You Need a Proper Process to develop an application?

Your process is your channel through a landscape of highly complex, mutually supporting activities and sub-activities. During the lifetime of a project, there will be many tensions and pressures that try to deflect your attentions and efforts from developing good quality, utilizable software applications that is deliver in right time.

Most, the process of application development must be maintained throughout the cycle. A software development process is not a formula that, once written down, is never questioned or changed. It is an instruction that incorporate much of the information from previous projects. Maintaining your procedure is your prospect to feed back the successful, or else, experiences of projects into the future projects of your association. An association that cultivates, compliments, and maintains its software development process is a learning association.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Tips for Best Practices in Your Software Development Cycle

In this post you can find out what are the best practices for your software development process. Now question arise what do you mean by Software Development practices. Do you know what they are? Do you make use of them in your everyday application development?

Why is so much software developed unsystematically? Why are best practises in this field ignored? In this post, I first want to give explanation the traditional view for the need of software development process. This is not a big surprise. So why much software’s are still developed unsystematically, either without a process or with disregard to best practises.

What is an exact Software Development Process?

It cannot be stated too often that if you are developing software, you need a process. By process, I mean a guideline description of a repeatable procedure that both describes and prescribe the way that your organization develops software. It describes only the process because the process that works best for your organization is different to the process that works best for another organization. So the process says a bit about how your organization works. It prescribes the way that your organization develops software because it is the process that will be applied to the development of future projects as well.

It is not sufficient just to say that the process is simply:

Cycle 1 >Requirements->







Cycle 2 >Requirements->







And so on.

As this leaves far too many questions open to explanation by customers, managers, and developers alike. For example, what kinds of requirements are gathered in the first Cycle? How detailed is this analysis? Does the design phase wait until the requirements phase is completed before it starts? And many more questions.

 Of course, every association will have its own answers to these and other questions. The answers to such questions should be record in several sort of a document; say a process instruction manual. Then, if a potential customer asks the question "How do you develop software?" etc etc, you can then demonstrate not only that you have thought about it, but that you have a well documented, professional way that works for your association.

Different organizations have different requirements for their processes, so there is not one "correct" process. The developers also need to believe in the process so that they can work together as a team, respecting the boundaries between different parts of the process and the implications of the process on their roles in the overall development.

Friday, April 13, 2007

How to Implement Ethical Organic SEO Technique?

How to Implement Ethical Organic SEO Technique?

Before you start your online campaign, you should know what is ethical and which is unethical. The truth is that not only is SEO ethical, it is also necessary for your campaign. However, you need to do it right way and avoid all unethical means. Because a search engine looks at the position and frequency of keywords, many websites stupidly opt for practices like stuffing a web site with hidden/invisible keywords hundreds of times to increase the keywords volume (called search engine spamming or black hat SEO technique). Such quick-fix solutions generate high initial traffic, but this goes into a free fall pretty fast because most search engines detect spamming and penalize such sites OR entire servers or drop them entirely. Spamming is not ethical Organic SEO, search engines (especially GOOGLE & YAHOO) do not like any technique that falsely attempt to boost rankings in SERPS.

Ethical Organic SEO techniques are straightforward, sustainable and bring reliable results over a fairly long period of time. Any online business expecting to do well needs to dedicate time and energy to an ethical SEO strategy, to ensure that their web site is always visible and therefore profitable. This is a must because search engines constantly change their search methodology and their rankings. The only thing that will keep the web sites in good standing is in spending resource in providing genuine, useful, timely and updated information in a consistent manner. With a well-maintained ethical Organic SEO strategy, you will get results that do not wildly fluctuate in the SERPS with changing search methodology.

Unethical Organic SEO techniques (Black Hat Technique) should be avoided:

  • Hidden Text - We still see many sites using this technique, if you use the mouse to highlight the page you can reveal it or simply use the shortcut key “CTRL+A”. You can see some hidden text also highlighted.  

  • Hidden Anchor Links – Some website try to hide the anchor link or links which boost the ranking on those keywords.

  • 1 pixel gif – It is very common use of Spammer, they use a blank tiny 1pixel gif and use the <IMG ALT> tag to stuff keywords

  • Cloaking - This is a complex technique that give the search engine spiders a different version of the page than what the end-user sees. This is done by redirecting.

  • Wrong Description and Title - The old tempt and switch, search engines and search engine users do not like to be deceived. It is annoys user the user most.

  • Running Search Engine Reports - GOOGLE clearly states that these automated ranking reports put a strain on their servers. Always remember manual work is always better then automated work.

  • Avoid fake link and content generators - Instead of adopting such misleading techniques, ethical Organic SEO aims to make it easier for search engines to decide whether or not your site's content is relevant to a query. Since search engines modify their algorithms frequently, any SEO method that depends on their operation will fail in future.

Right Procedure of adopt Ethical Organic SEO Technique

Ethical Organic SEO does not deal with promotion gimmick like “Guaranteed No. 1 Ranking on GOOGLE” or “Special arrangements with GOOGLE or YAHOO.” These are tactics that come with their own set of problems. Recently, a famous Insurance company used questionable SEO tactics and was soon caught by GOOGLE. The result was immediate delisting and strict warning.

Since more then 85% of traffic to most web sites is directed through a search engine, it becomes important to be aware of search engines' ranking system. However, there are some basic steps you can take to ensure that your SEO strategy is ethical. Here are some details of steps by experts.

  • Understand the logic and strategies behind the Organic SEO methods adopted by your SEO consultant who must provide you with all the necessary details of the plan to raise the ranking of your website. If you know precisely what they plan on doing what not, you cannot be fool into falling for any unethical practice.

  • Good Title and Meta content Optimization
    for search engine

Reality about Ethical Organic SEO  

While the advantages of ethical Organic SEO be more important than its limitations, it is important to be familiar with what ethical Organic SEO does and does not do.

  • Ethical Organic SEO consultant gives clients full liability and crystal clear policies and usually offer authentic leads generated by sites. These firm rely on design and content rather than “hidden formulas” that are alleged quick-fixes for success.

  • Ethical Organic SEO practitioners promptly take action to fulfill with the changes in GOOGLE'S algorithms as they apply to all clients.

  • Ethical Organic SEO provides you with actual search results and separates them from advertisement.

Ethical Organic SEO does not:

  • sell bunch of keywords in the address bar

  • offer 5 to 6-word long key phrases

  • Never involved in network sites

  • operate with multiples names for the same service

  • resort to ‘fake' search engines

  • offer you ‘shadow domains', which is an illegal way of redirecting irrelevant users

  • have domains removed from GOOGLE'S index

Here is some tips related to ethical organic SEO tips which the part of Internet Marketing. So before you start your Internet Marketing Services Campaign is aware of ethical organic SEO which is the most important part of your campaign.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Organic SEO Services

Hello friends... I want to inform you little bit about our new organic SEO services.

Organic SEO Services

Why does your website require organic SEO services?

85% of all website traffic originates from the search engines, with the greater part coming from a select few. If your company has an online existence but doesn't have a high ranking on the major search engines for your targeted phrases then you're losing money to your competition every single day even every single hour.

At Data Solution Inc. we make sure that your website attains a high ranking for the key-phrases that will produce the greatest profit for you. We do this through thoroughly keyword analysis combined with the highest level of commitment to placing your website above your competitors on the major search engines (includes Google, Yahoo, MSN) with our Organic SEO services.

Why should you choose Data Solution Inc. as your Organic SEO service provider?

We make your website easier to find in major Search Engines!

What are our promises?

The website list in TOP 10 of Google, Yahoo & MSN for the search results of certain key-phrases.

You only pay for top 10 rankings; otherwise we will refund 100% of your deal.

Strictly obey the webmaster guidelines and quality guidelines of google, never use deceptive or manipulative way.

This is the key to our success...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Buyers beware to buy 3322 Paces Ferry Ave Atlanta, GA 30339

Buyers are requested not to buy this property i.e. 3322 Paces Ferry Ave Atlanta, GA 30339. Chris Crocker & Michelle Conger have filed a law suit in Superior Court of Cobb County Georgia concerning this property. A contract to purchase this property was entered into between Crocker & Conger and Hunington Vinings LLC (Barton George & Rick Warren) in February 2006. Contact the law firm of KitchensNew @ 706-896-8300, Atlanta Georgia for information on this issue.
More Info here

Monday, March 5, 2007

Valuable Tips on Offshore Software Development management

Here are some valuable tips on offshore software development project management. Success of a project when developed by an offshore supplier is mostly dependant on the way the development is remotely managed from the client’s side. If you hope to make a offshore project successful with very little input from your end as a client, it is improbable that the project will accomplish success in the long term. The crucial reason is very simple: you know your business requirements best. Software Development services companies working in another part of the world can only develop a solution based on the input provided by you.

Target your goal every week: The complete lifecycle of the software development process can be divided into smaller goals which can then be communicated to the team via email or by phone. It is a good idea to have a call with the entire team on Monday morning and run through the list of weekly goals that need to be achieved and then call again at the end of the week to evaluate if they have been achieved or not and what type of roadblocks were faced by them.

How to manage the time difference?: Time difference is one of the main factors in offshore software development projects which can become a pros or a con depending on how it is well managed. It is essential that a "common" time zone is mutually agreed on by you and the offshore vendor. This time should be used for communication and ironing out issues faced by the application development team. Though it might take some time to get used but it pays good dividend in the long run.

If someone in the offshore development team is doing well, observation on it: Encouragement and inspiration are required when you have hired a team with an offshore development service provider. Motivating team members with an encouraging email along with incentives sent to them on regional festivals creates companionship as well as doing wonder for the project.

This is the secret key to successful offshore software development management.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Hi friends...

I want to first introduce Data solution Inc. ... where it is located? What it does?

Well Data Solution Inc. is a USA based IT company. Its offshore development center in India provides a range of high-end services in IT Services, Medical Billing & Transcription Services and BPO & Data Entry Services.

Now question arise, what can we do here? There is a simple answer; we want to share development tips, discuss on new technologies, and many more we can do here…

So, it’s my first post…. I just introduce us...
