Friday, April 13, 2007

How to Implement Ethical Organic SEO Technique?

How to Implement Ethical Organic SEO Technique?

Before you start your online campaign, you should know what is ethical and which is unethical. The truth is that not only is SEO ethical, it is also necessary for your campaign. However, you need to do it right way and avoid all unethical means. Because a search engine looks at the position and frequency of keywords, many websites stupidly opt for practices like stuffing a web site with hidden/invisible keywords hundreds of times to increase the keywords volume (called search engine spamming or black hat SEO technique). Such quick-fix solutions generate high initial traffic, but this goes into a free fall pretty fast because most search engines detect spamming and penalize such sites OR entire servers or drop them entirely. Spamming is not ethical Organic SEO, search engines (especially GOOGLE & YAHOO) do not like any technique that falsely attempt to boost rankings in SERPS.

Ethical Organic SEO techniques are straightforward, sustainable and bring reliable results over a fairly long period of time. Any online business expecting to do well needs to dedicate time and energy to an ethical SEO strategy, to ensure that their web site is always visible and therefore profitable. This is a must because search engines constantly change their search methodology and their rankings. The only thing that will keep the web sites in good standing is in spending resource in providing genuine, useful, timely and updated information in a consistent manner. With a well-maintained ethical Organic SEO strategy, you will get results that do not wildly fluctuate in the SERPS with changing search methodology.

Unethical Organic SEO techniques (Black Hat Technique) should be avoided:

  • Hidden Text - We still see many sites using this technique, if you use the mouse to highlight the page you can reveal it or simply use the shortcut key “CTRL+A”. You can see some hidden text also highlighted.  

  • Hidden Anchor Links – Some website try to hide the anchor link or links which boost the ranking on those keywords.

  • 1 pixel gif – It is very common use of Spammer, they use a blank tiny 1pixel gif and use the <IMG ALT> tag to stuff keywords

  • Cloaking - This is a complex technique that give the search engine spiders a different version of the page than what the end-user sees. This is done by redirecting.

  • Wrong Description and Title - The old tempt and switch, search engines and search engine users do not like to be deceived. It is annoys user the user most.

  • Running Search Engine Reports - GOOGLE clearly states that these automated ranking reports put a strain on their servers. Always remember manual work is always better then automated work.

  • Avoid fake link and content generators - Instead of adopting such misleading techniques, ethical Organic SEO aims to make it easier for search engines to decide whether or not your site's content is relevant to a query. Since search engines modify their algorithms frequently, any SEO method that depends on their operation will fail in future.

Right Procedure of adopt Ethical Organic SEO Technique

Ethical Organic SEO does not deal with promotion gimmick like “Guaranteed No. 1 Ranking on GOOGLE” or “Special arrangements with GOOGLE or YAHOO.” These are tactics that come with their own set of problems. Recently, a famous Insurance company used questionable SEO tactics and was soon caught by GOOGLE. The result was immediate delisting and strict warning.

Since more then 85% of traffic to most web sites is directed through a search engine, it becomes important to be aware of search engines' ranking system. However, there are some basic steps you can take to ensure that your SEO strategy is ethical. Here are some details of steps by experts.

  • Understand the logic and strategies behind the Organic SEO methods adopted by your SEO consultant who must provide you with all the necessary details of the plan to raise the ranking of your website. If you know precisely what they plan on doing what not, you cannot be fool into falling for any unethical practice.

  • Good Title and Meta content Optimization
    for search engine

Reality about Ethical Organic SEO  

While the advantages of ethical Organic SEO be more important than its limitations, it is important to be familiar with what ethical Organic SEO does and does not do.

  • Ethical Organic SEO consultant gives clients full liability and crystal clear policies and usually offer authentic leads generated by sites. These firm rely on design and content rather than “hidden formulas” that are alleged quick-fixes for success.

  • Ethical Organic SEO practitioners promptly take action to fulfill with the changes in GOOGLE'S algorithms as they apply to all clients.

  • Ethical Organic SEO provides you with actual search results and separates them from advertisement.

Ethical Organic SEO does not:

  • sell bunch of keywords in the address bar

  • offer 5 to 6-word long key phrases

  • Never involved in network sites

  • operate with multiples names for the same service

  • resort to ‘fake' search engines

  • offer you ‘shadow domains', which is an illegal way of redirecting irrelevant users

  • have domains removed from GOOGLE'S index

Here is some tips related to ethical organic SEO tips which the part of Internet Marketing. So before you start your Internet Marketing Services Campaign is aware of ethical organic SEO which is the most important part of your campaign.